One of my least favorite things to buy is hand soap. I can never seem to get it for a good price, so I normally buy the giant bottle from Bj's or Wal-Mart. It pains me to buy things at regular price, but buying in bulk is usually the second best option to good sales. When it was just Anthony & I, hand soap wasn't something I gave much thought to. We were both working and going to school, so we really weren't home much. A big bottle of hand soap could last us months. $5 every few months was not breaking the bank. Now that I'm a stay at home mom of two kids, its another story. It seems like I always have a reason to wash my hands. I take my kids to the bathroom, change Enzo's diaper, clean up food, boogers, and other questionable things from my kids faces, bodies, and/or clothes, clean random messes, and the list could go on. Not to mention that fact that Baby # 3 seems to be sitting right on my bladder and I have to pee every five seconds (you think I'm exa...
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