My New Little Potty Pooper

I started putting Enzo on the toilet a couple months ago.

Now before you start thinking I'm the freak of the week, overachiever, showoff, or other such nonsense, let me explain...

 I had a conversation a little over a year ago (when Natalie was 7 months old) about potty training that intrigued me. A friend of mine was explaining how a friend of her's never put diapers on her baby. Her reason was that she didn't want her kid to have to unlearn the habit of peeing/pooping on him/herself. I have also heard lots of parents say that the biggest issue they have faced with potty training has been their kids fear of the toilet.

Naturally, I don't want my kids to have to unlearn things or be afraid of the toilet. I  also have to confess something that may shock you. Are you ready? Brace yourself....Ok, here it goes: I don't like changing diapers! Especially poopy ones!!!! All these facts combined have provided me with the motivation to start putting my kids on the toilet at 7 months instead of waiting till 1 1/2 or 2 years old. My goal is not to have a fully potty trained 1 year old (I don't even have a fully potty trained 2 year old! =p) my goal is to get Enzo comfortable with the toilet and think of using it as a normal part of life. To date he has probably peed and pooped in the toilet at least a dozen times. That is not a huge number compared to how many times he's gone is his diaper, but I still see it as a HUGE victory. That is 12 less poopy diapers to clean. 12 more cute moments to see my little guy acting like a big boy. That's enough reason for me!

 If you are interested in knowing some of my struggles with potty training and why I'm doing the same thing again send me an email. I'd be happy to share more.


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