Easy Way to Pack and Store Pumpkin Puree

We got a huge pumpkin this year and were able to make a bunch of puree out of it. After running out of plastic containers and wrestling with a bunch of bags, I figured out an easier way to pack the puree. Most of the recipes I use call for 1 or 2 cups of puree so I used sandwich bags to hold 2 cups each. The easiest way I found to fill the bags was to put them in a cup first. Below are the how-to pics. I hope this helps!
1. Write the date, contents, and qty on a dry, empty sandwich bag.

2. Place the opened bag into the cup and fold over the side of the cup

3. Scoop into cup (make sure to measure)

4. Carefully roll up edges of bag and pull out of cup 

5. Fold bag in half and push out any excess air

6. Four sandwich bags fit nicely in a gallon size freezer bag. If you aren't going to use it right away, you can freeze it. Having it separated makes it easy to pull out the amount you need and keep the rest frozen. 


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