I Will Love You if I Feel Like it.
No one can tell you who to love We fell in love I fell out of love Listen to your heart Do what feels right This is just a short list of popular phrases about love. Our world basically says: "I will love you if I feel like it." So many people make love out to be some magical thing that you don't have any control over, but that isn't exactly true. We all have feelings that may seem magical at times, but they are feelings, not love. We can't always control what we feel, but we can control what we do with them. Most people will probably be attracted to someone at some point in their lives. God knows I've been attracted to my fair share of men, but thank God I didn't respond/react to that attraction every time. I would probably be a MESS if I had! Love is so much more than attraction. Here is a better list of what love is: Patient, Kind, Not jealous, Not boastful or proud, Not rude, Doesn't demand it's own way, Is not irritable, Keeps...